Monday, August 20, 2007


Finally, I have taught myself how to crochet - well at least the basics. I read on someone's blog that in the beginning, it is more about the process than the final product. Thankfully, that is true. I only have one final product and two in the making.

The multicolored (red, green, blue, eetc) yarn was used to create a scalloped scarf. It is completed and gave me courage to try some other patterns. The teal blue strip in the back is going to be a lap blanket for my daughter (who is 28) - I tried to get her to let me make it a scarf as well and she refused. The baby colors is the most ambitious project I have tried with many different stitch changes. It is going well and by the time any babies are announced and delivered, I should have it completed. I wish that I had used a larger seems that tightness of stitches is a common problem for beginners. I think my next project will have to be the granny square because the options are endless after that!

Now all I want to do is crochet and read, not together of course, so I wish that someone would make me or my husband independently wealthy so I could buy tons of lovely yarn and play all day! If anyone has a good internet site to purchase yarn, please let me know.


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